New Jersey Anesthesia Professionals is a physician-owned and managed anesthesia services organization that provides outpatient anesthesia services throughout the state of New Jersey. Our anesthesiologists are board-certified and experienced with the ambulatory setting.
Our advantages:
Our clients will attest to the quality of our anesthesiologists. They are punctual and professional. Exceptionally skilled and with impeccable bedside manners, our anesthesiologists will cater to your schedule and provide you with anesthesia and perioperative services when you need them. Your schedule is our schedule.
Our anesthesia professionals are all board-certified physician anesthesiologists with training from prestigious university hospitals. Many have subspecialty training in pediatric anesthesia, critical care, regional anesthesia, and interventional pain management.
Our administrative staff is exceptionally skilled and experienced. Many have master’s degrees in healthcare administration. They are passionate about the healthcare field and have demonstrated a commitment to their field. We have several full-time recruiters to ensure you have the anesthesia coverage you need.
Our certified anesthesia technologists have experience with anesthesia equipment and supplies and compliance-related matters. They have demonstrated superb managerial skills in setting up and maintaining client sites for anesthesia services and our clients will attest to this.