Our Blog - New Jersey Anesthesia Professionals
25 Christopher Columbus Drive, STE 5403, Jersey City, NJ 07302    646-887-7984

Post-operative pain management can be a concern of physicians and patients alike. Pain is subjective, making it difficult for physicians to decide which medications to recommend for patients with varying pain tolerances. There are many options of drugs to use, ranging from over-the-counter drugs like NSAIDs to prescription medications like low potency opioids.1 Because of… Continue reading NSAIDs for Post-Operative Pain in Outpatients

Studies have shown that breastfeeding has extensive benefits for both infant and mother. Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for a child, decreasing the risk of many infanthood diseases as well as the long-term risk of obesity.i The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, minimum.ii Moreover, mothers who choose to breastfeed experience a reduction in the risk of… Continue reading Anesthetic Considerations for Breastfeeding Patients

A large number of patients who survive hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) experience medium to long-term consequences from their stay. Patients may experience a period of inactivity that results in changes in various systems of the body. For instance, in the respiratory system, the main consequences of immobilization are atelectasis, mechanical ventilation, and hospital-associated pneumonia. Muscular dysfunction can also occur due… Continue reading Effectiveness of Progressive Mobility Programs on the Functional States of ICU Patients

Uterine artery embolization is a relatively simple, minimally-invasive procedure for removing fibroids, or non-cancerous uterine masses that occur in roughly half of women of reproductive age.i During the procedure, fibroids are essentially starved from blood supply via catheter-mediated injection of embolic products. Though uterine artery embolization has been shown to be both safe and effective at improving symptoms and has been recommended by the American College of Gynecologists,ii,iii,iv the management… Continue reading Pain Management for Uterine Artery Embolization

Postoperative hypoxemia is a serious yet common condition that requires immediate treatment. It occurs predominantly as the result of gas exchange impairment or abnormalities in breathing control that can result from prolonged sedation by means of general anesthesia or opioids.i Risk factors for post-operative hypoxemia include heart disease, low pre-operative oxygen saturation, and a surgical duration of more than three hours.ii All methods of intervention should seek to maintain oxygen at a target saturation… Continue reading Managing Postoperative Hypoxemia

While randomized controlled trials (RCT) have long been considered the gold standard for evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention or a treatment, they are not always feasible, for instance in evaluating interventions targeted at the population level or when RCTs are deemed unethical. Furthermore, there is often a need to retrospectively evaluate interventions which have already been implemented without randomization or without… Continue reading Interrupted Time Series Design in Clinical Studies

Optimizing the perioperative care spectrum is essential for improving clinical outcomes as well as patient satisfaction. The patient’s progression before, during, and after surgery has significant impacts on patient outcomes, as well as to the hospital at-large. Within each of these stages, opportunities exist to enhance the patient’s experience, such as minimizing the patient’s wait-time… Continue reading Utilization of Operational Analytics in the Perioperative Care Spectrum

In medicine, reimbursement drives change in practice patterns. Bundled payments from Medicare epitomize a heightened value of measurable outcomes. The Merit Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) directs physicians to report outcomes. Based on these data, bundled payments to practices may be altered (1). Anesthesiologists are uniquely situated to help reduce cost, improve efficiency, deploy protocols… Continue reading Updates on Value Based Care

The market for healthcare has quite a few key features that differentiate it from the concept of the standard market, such as the prevalence of externalities and the existence of the insurance market. These deviations often call for government policies to ensure that healthcare resources are allocated efficiently and equitably (1). In the United States,… Continue reading The Policy Debate over Healthcare

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